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Stuff We're Doing
1) Raising Awareness About 'Chick Culling' And Hopefully Helping To Stop It.




Every year, the UK egg industry suffocates 30m male chicks in gas chambers because they can't lay eggs.

Chick culling is one of those things that most of us unknowingly pay for, but mostly don't know about (which in itself is a bit weird).
In the egg industry, just as many male chicks hatch as females. But male chickens famously don't lay eggs. They also aren't suitable for the meat industry. So what happens to them? Well.. they get gassed, basically. Some get ground up alive in macerators, but most get put into gas chambers.
In the UK alone, we kill 30 million 1 or 2 day old male chicks in gas chambers and macerators. It definitely feels like something which has been normal, but might actually be a bit weird.
But before you get too sad - we have good news. It's actually possible to avoid this practise altogether, using tech. There's established gender scanning tech which can determine the sex of the chick before it hatches and becomes conscious. There's also a brand new tech which can ensure that male chicks aren't hatched in the egg industry at all.
Anyhow, we're working on raising awareness about this issue, as well as promoting the alternatives to it, in the hope that we can show it the door and save some (lots of) chicks.
(click here to help chicks)
More Stuff We're Doing
2) Raising Awareness About How We Castrate Lambs and hopefully Stopping It.




Male lambs are castrated using a thick rubber band which is placed around their balls without pain relief, until they drop off after 2weeks or so.

Male lambs in the meat industry get castrated, because the meat tastes a bit more iron'ey if they're allowed to keep their balls. Men - maybe look away now. But the way they do it, is by putting a thick elastic band over the lambs testicles - without pain relief. The lamb usually kicks in pain for up to several days - sometimes refusing food because of the pain. Eventually, after 14 days or so, their balls will drop off, due to lack of blood supply.
We think that's a bit weird and we want to raise awareness of this practise, with a view to hopefully helping to stop it.
(click here to help lambs)
Annnd Another Thing We're Doing
3) Challenge the use of happy and joyful animal branding for animal-based products, when supply-chains involve animal suffering and death.

orwell better

orwell better


The Happy Egg Co's supply-chain involves gassing millions of 1-2 day old chicks a year. The Jolly Hog puts pigs into gas chambers at 5-10% of their natural lifespan.

We totally get that if brands want to make meat or dairy products, they can. It's perfectly legal and you do you.
But when you're in the business of putting pigs, which are as intelligent and as emotionally complex as dogs, into gas chambers at 5-10% of their natural lifespan - it's a bit weird to call yourself 'The Jolly Hog'.
Similarly, if your products require the gassing to death of millions of 1-2 old male chicks, you cut portions of the females beaks off so they don't peck 'the merch' or one another and you end up killing them at a fraction of their natural lifespan (after their egg laying slows down) - it's a bit weird to call yourselves 'The Happy Egg co'.
We're working to raise awareness about what these sorts of companies do to animals in order to make their products, and challenging whether or not they should be allowed to trade with a 'we do right by animals' brand identity.
(click here if you agree)
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